
AVANCE Chapters

AVANCE is a national nonprofit organization with a national office headquartered in San Antonio and a network of chapter affiliates across the state of Texas unified
a single 501(c)3.


AVANCE is also more than just an organization. AVANCE is a family. And like family, we are committed to meeting others where they are. To learn more about AVANCE and the family programs available in your area, please contact the location nearest to you in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, and surrounding areas.

ATX skyline

AVANCE ā€“ Austin

Physical Address: 4900 Gonzales St, Austin, Texas 78702

Mailing Address: PO Box 19105, Austin, TX 78760-9105

Executive Director: Cristina Garza

North Texas skyline

AVANCE ā€“ North Texas

Address: 2060 Singleton Blvd., Suite 103 Dallas, Texas 75212

Fax: (214) 887-9159

Regional Director: Ana Lorena Carrasco

Houston skyline

AVANCE ā€“ Houston

Address: 4281 Dacoma, Houston, TX 77092

Fax: (713) 812-1228

Executive Director: Luz Flores

SA skyline

AVANCE ā€“ San Antonio

Address: 903 Billy Mitchell, Ste 100, San Antonio, TX 78226

Fax: (210) 220-3795

Executive Director: Susan Thompson