AVANCE to College

AVANCE to College

“Al final, el sueño americano no es un sprint o incluso un maratón, sino un relevo. Nuestras familias no siempre cruzan la línea de meta en el lapso de una generación. Pero cada generación pasa a la siguiente los frutos de su trabajo”.

~Julian Castro

Solid Foundation

Since 1973, AVANCE has been delivering our core program, the el Programa de Educación para Padres e Hijos (PCEP), which puts equity into practice by building on families' strengths and supporting their individual needs to advance equitable outcomes for parents/young children. Our PCEP supports parents to develop responsive parenting skills that promote healthy brain architecture in children, reduce sources of stress, and build resilience. The curriculum and learning sessions build on parents’ cultural capital and support peer connection, idea sharing, and new concepts. PCEP teaches parents they are their child’s first and most important teacher, and the home is the first classroom.

Exposición a lo Posible

En 2021, diseñamos un nuevo modelo de implementación para PCEP que fortalecería nuestro enfoque de dos generaciones e impactaría directamente en la movilidad económica de nuestras familias. Este modelo recientemente desarrollado requiere la colaboración con juntas locales de fuerza laboral y colegios comunitarios, y combina PCEP con la exposición a las posibilidades y oportunidades que ofrece la educación postsecundaria y el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral.


From this model, we created the AVANCE to College program, which we piloted in El Paso with Workforce Solutions Borderplex and El Paso Community College (EPCC). Through the partnership, EPCC listed PCEP as a non-credit bearing course, so when parents enrolled in PCEP, they became an EPCC student. By implementing PCEP onsite at community college campuses, we aim to streamline and facilitate low-income Latino families’ transition to continued education, whether as first-time or returning students. Parents learn about the institutions as well as opportunities and resources available to support them in pursuing their education, and they become acquainted with staff and students who help demystify stereotypes about postsecondary education.

The inaugural cohort of the AVANCE to College program graduated 16 parents, and shortly after graduation, 100% of those graduates were already enrolled in education courses and/or a workforce program. AVANCE to College has been so successful that the program is being replicated in Central Texas, with our Austin Chapter leading the initiative in partnership with Austin Community College and Workforce Solutions Capital Area.



de los padres mostró un aumento en el empoderamiento de los padres


de los padres aumentaron las interacciones positivas entre padres e hijos


de los padres informaron un aumento en la conexión social


de los padres mayor conocimiento sobre el desarrollo infantil y la preparación para la escuela

¡Participe con Nostros!

AVANCE to College is currently offered through El Paso Community College in El Paso, TX and through Austin Community College in Austin, TX.


If you are interested in bringing the AVANCE to College program to your community please contact us to learn how you can become a licensee.

El Paso Community College, Valle Verde Campus
Teléfono: (915) 831-3722, Página Web: www.epcc.edu

Distrito de Colegios Públicos de Austin
Teléfono: 512-223-7000, Página Web: www.austincc.edu